10.09.08 :: technical issues (headaches for me)
Comments: 0 - Date: October 9th, 2008 - Categories: :: the homestead
Some very kind people recently brought to my attention that the blog has been crashing some internet browsers. You may have noticed how it locked up your browser while loading? I thought it was the flash banner at the top of the blog so I removed that and went to just one image. That didn’t fix it, bummer too because that took a awhile to put together! Today I removed that little visitor tracker at the bottom of the blog, it was cool little tool because it showed all the cities from where our visitors to the blog came from. I think that was what caused the problem. Things should be loading smoothly now and normal blog posting will be caught up soon! Sometimes a simple layout is just better anyway right?
In other important news, our email server is not working properly. We can receive emails but can not send emails from louis@louispalos.com and info@louispalos.com! Our hosting company is looking into this right now and hopefully things will be resolved soon. You will get responses from louispalos@mac.com in the meantime. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Louis & Erin